Specialist and complex oral surgery for dental patients in Walsall and the surrounding West Midlands is provided with Mr Hari Hunjan. He is our resident oral surgeon with many years of experience including current employment at the Birmingham Dental Hospital. He also provides intraveonous sedation for dentoalveolar surgery if needed.


An apicectomy can be carried out on a tooth that has suffered persistent infection after failed root canal treatment. Our oral surgeon will lift a flap of gum and clear the infection and part of the infected tooth before sealing the root canal.

Buried teeth

Buried and ectopic teeth may need exposure for orthodontics (braces) or may need removal. These procedures can be carried out by Mr. Hunjan.

Dental implants

Surgical placement of implants are available here – read more

Bone grafting

This may be needed to supplement bone volume around dental implants.


Biopsies are taken if a patient or dentist is worried about lesions in a patients mouth and further investgation is needed.


These can occur within the jaws. They are benign fluid-filled sacs within tissues or bone. Our oral surgeon will lift a flap to remove the cyst. This will then be sent for examination under a microscope to confirm its identity.

Oroantral fistula, OAF

Upper posterior tooth removal can cause a complication whereby a connection occurs with the mouth and sinus cavity. Surgical repair may be needed to achieve closure.

We are accepting referrals from dentists for oral surgery. Please use the contact form to request further information.

Read About Our Oral Surgeon